1: An Introduction
You can nature journal. Yes, really! All you have to do is get started.
But what even is “nature journaling” anyways? Well, the definition of nature is, “noun: the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations”. The denotation of journaling is, “verb: to write and/or draw in a journal”.
In other words, this just means observing, absorbing, and putting on to paper what you experience while in the natural world. You really do not have to already be able to draw or write well.
So now, even if you only have one minute, go outside. Breathe. Smell, hear, see… actually. What do you notice now which you have never thought of before? Maybe that little burrow at the corner of the fence? What about that dragonfly zooming by? Did you ever know they can go up to fifty miles an hour?
Nature journaling opens up the world to our often closed off senses. That is beautiful, isn’t it?
2: Just Do it!
I know I wrote that anyone can nature journal, all you have to do is get started.
But sometimes, that starting line feels far away, difficult to reach, and takes too much time, money, and effort. On this topic, it is all in our heads.
Right now, get out your supplies:
any old writing utensils
paper of some sort
Find a spot:
without disturbance
without other people (unless they are also nature journaling)
in a natural setting
3. But How?
walk around slowly and bathe in your surroundings
drink water, meet your other needs, and get in a comfortable sitting position
slowly go through each of these questions one at a time:
What is one scent you smell?
What is one sound you hear?
What is one sight you see?
What is one surface you feel?
choose the one sense you found the most interesting, and observe further
get out your supplies, and using words, pictures, and numbers, write down whatever you see and think
use any helpful technique (see my blog on this topic here) if you want
That’s It! You are now a nature journalist. Test out different techniques and always try something new.
4. Why…?
Why should you nature journal?
become curious
learn to observe and think well
practice mindfulness
relax and come to peace
enjoy the world
find meaning
improve your writing and drawing skills
learn about the natural world on a personal and deep level
and much more...
Now, as a last note, why did I write this blog?
I wrote this blog because… I love nature journaling. I also want to spread the word and help people get out there and enjoy nature. The human world needs bio-empathy.
5. More Info!
Here are my sources, which you can see and learn directly from as well.
Darach, An. (2022). Nature Journaling: Why You Should Start Today!. [Website] Accessed November 2023 from
Laws, John Muir. (Unknown). Nature Journaling: Get Started and Grow!. [Website] Accessed November 2023 from https://johnmuirlaws.com/nature-journaling-starting-growing/
Laws, Lygren, Tan. How to Teach Nature Journaling. [Book] Published 2020 by HeyDay.